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Creo que cuando todo se acaba, todos los buenos recuerdos vuelven en forma de flashes a tu cabeza, como dejándote ver que aquello que tenías era lo mejor, borrando aquello que de verdad hizo que esto acabase y aunque la mayor parte de las cosas regresen, él nunca lo hizo.

Creo que parte de mí sabía al segundo de empezar todo que esto pasaría. En realidad no es algo que él haya dicho o hecho, era la sensación que me daba cuando estaba a su lado y lo peor es que no se sí volveré a sentirme así de bien con alguien otra vez, aunque no se sí debería hacerlo.

Sabía que su mundo se movía demasiado rápido, el era la liebre y yo la tortuga pero me dejé convencer por el dicho ese de que los polos opuestos se atraen y pensé: como puede el diablo empujarte a los brazos de alguien que es lo más parecido a un ángel cuando sonríe?

Quizá él sabía este final desde el primer momento que me cogió la mano, supongo que perdí la cabeza. Ahora pienso que la peor parte de esto no fue perderlo a él, sino perderme a mi.


I think that when everything is finished, all the good memories return like flashes to your head, as allowing you to see that what you had was the best, erasing what really made it finnish and although most of the things return, he never did.

I think that part of me knew the first second when everything started that this would happen. Really is not something that he has said or done, it was the feeling that I had when I was at his side and the worst thing is that I dont’t know if I’m going to feel like this with someone again, and I don’t know if I should .

I knew that his world was moving quickly, he was the hare and I was the turtle but I left myself to convince for the saying «the opposite poles attract» and thought: How the devil can push you to the arms of someone who is the most similar thing to an angel when he smiles?

Probably he knew this end since the first moment he hold my hand, probably I lost my head. Now I think that the worst part of this wasn’t losing him, the worst part was losing me.

42 comentarios (+¿añadir los tuyos?)

  1. johnchoco
    May 15, 2014 @ 13:01:50

    Nice post:)


  2. larrydmiller2013
    May 16, 2014 @ 06:51:56

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and liking my post «Dinner for Two»


  3. Anuksha ^_^
    May 22, 2014 @ 10:35:43

    Nice job! 🙂 The part :»Now I think that the worst part of this wasn’t losing him, the worst part was losing me.» was very touching and deep 🙂


  4. Umair Rehman
    May 22, 2014 @ 17:27:50

    This really is very deep but when good memories return to let you know that what you had very wonderful, they present you more pain. The worst part is indeed losing yourself and the hardest is to regain yourself.


  5. cpasdernick
    May 22, 2014 @ 18:05:08

    This is brilliant.


  6. Bijou Pali
    May 23, 2014 @ 01:57:25

    This is absolutely beautiful. I could have written this word-for-word not too long ago. It doesn’t feel like it now, but it will get better. You should and will love again, although that probably feels so far removed from anything you desire at present. Give yourself time to fully recover and find yourself again. Let your heart, mind, body and soul mend before you begin again down to the path to love. You will thank yourself for doing so, because you will have found yourself again and be stronger for it. Peace and love.


  7. carissamaria
    May 24, 2014 @ 14:53:51

    Reading your blog i felt so much sensitivity, so much honesty, courage…an amazing inner beauty and inner strength. All these combined makes you an amazing person who deserve love, light and protection…and i’m hoping and praying with all my heart that you’ll find what your soul is looking for.
    Thank you so much for visiting my blog and for liking one of my posts. I’m honored and i appreciate it a lot.
    Wishes of love and inspiration in everything you do,


  8. ritacash
    May 25, 2014 @ 02:05:07

    Me encantó la última frase. Me ando dando vuelta por tu blog, gracias por visitar mi últmia entrada, un abrazo!


  9. lilhousewifey
    May 25, 2014 @ 11:55:03

    Beautiful post.


  10. camerondgoodwin23
    May 25, 2014 @ 18:33:54

    Great post! And thanks for the like on my Chanel post!


  11. polobustos1977
    May 27, 2014 @ 16:08:52

    Lleno de sentimiento, que buen post.


  12. Pseudonymity
    May 28, 2014 @ 10:59:12

    It’s so great to read about someone feeling the same way you did when you thought you were going crazy. If only we knew more often than we do that we are not alone.


  13. holamuybonita
    Jun 03, 2014 @ 01:08:00

    Please follow my blog and thanks for the like!


    Sigue mi blog por favor ♥


  14. elitosphere
    Jun 04, 2014 @ 02:40:19

    I hope this is helpful advice, but I think you actually need to indicate that this is a direct Taylor Swift quote, or it will be considered plagiarism.

    Pero a mí me encanta que tradujiste la cosa entera en español. Me parece más llena de pasión así y te mueve de manera que no hace la versión inglesa.


  15. janettanton
    Jun 05, 2014 @ 08:16:16

    Thanks for liking my post. You are expressing some deep feelings here.


  16. bemmaisdetalhes
    Jul 12, 2014 @ 22:53:32

    obrigada por ter curtido meu post… espoero que goste dos proximos posts que eu estou trabalhando 🙂


  17. kauaiartist
    Ene 07, 2015 @ 22:16:59

    !Mil de gracias! Thank you so much for liking my poem Roxie the Doxie on Wordmusic. I really appreciate it.


    Brent Kincaid


  18. globalunison
    Ene 08, 2015 @ 10:07:45

    Thank you for dropping by and sparing the time to read my blog.

    Best Wishes,


  19. Ayeh
    Ene 08, 2015 @ 12:42:13

    Hi, Thanks for stopping by! glad I found your blog, I like your delicate & seneitive writing.
    Best Wishes, Ayeh.


  20. menyhartgjazz
    Ene 08, 2015 @ 15:49:17

    Really interesting, slightly abstract post. I like it.
    Attractions can be very difficult to escape. Sometimes it is only possible by trying and breaking the bond.


  21. isepaperandcraft
    Ene 08, 2015 @ 15:58:13

    Aw. I’d think that the really worst part is that it hurts.


  22. Exploring Alura
    Ene 08, 2015 @ 18:27:13

    How the devil can push you to the arms of someone who is the most similar thing to an angel when he smiles?

    I swirled this question around and around in my head. The only answer I have found is because the devil is sweeter than the sweetest sweet, more addictive than the strongest drug, and will make you sicker than an overdose on either.

    Thank you for this beautiful post. It touched me deeply. Made me feel connected to others in my confusion.


  23. neena1323
    Ene 08, 2015 @ 22:54:05

    Beautiful and heart felt. Thank you for sharing.


  24. Melanie Wood
    Ene 09, 2015 @ 03:45:12

    At my age any contact with life seems important, painful or not. And in truth, we have no real abilities to «read» others. They can always trick you. I say so what. I do not believe in a devil, I am in charge of my life and I prefer to follow my heart and take the knocks when I need to. It was a lovely post and gave me a lot to think about. Thank you!


  25. The Secret Man
    Ene 09, 2015 @ 04:37:54

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and liking my post


  26. Abhilash
    Ene 09, 2015 @ 05:53:04

    Hola, Mui Buen
    I apologize for my terrible Spanish. However I am totally unapologetic about the fun I had reading your bilingual Blog. great job.


  27. hydeouscreature
    Ene 09, 2015 @ 10:01:02

    Sounds like Taylor Swift to me, o.O


  28. Dawn
    Ene 09, 2015 @ 13:05:15

    Thanks for checking out ‘little splashes of love’! This is a beautifully written expression of the end of one thing, with the possibilities of something new on the horizon. God bless you and yours!


  29. Niniola
    Ene 09, 2015 @ 13:51:03

    This is a beautifully crafted post! Speaks a lot about what we’ve all passed through at one time or the other. Thanks for liking my post ‘my gift of suffering’


  30. thisgirlinblack
    Ene 09, 2015 @ 18:05:01

    Love the last sentence…


  31. mirrorgirl
    Ene 11, 2015 @ 22:58:23

    I felt a little better reading this posts. Even if break-ups are terrible, we soldier on. I hope it will be like that for us too, because soldiers must never give up.


  32. Ray Wakefield
    Ene 12, 2015 @ 00:58:35

    Thank you for visiting my site, please do so often. What you wrote was all too true, with that in mind, in life, ours is never to lose ourselves in heart and soul, but it is ours to make better in our hearts and souls. That when we give 100%, they get 100%, when you feel it’s right, in your soul as well as your heart; you will know.


  33. ywwp
    Ene 22, 2015 @ 04:53:58

    i liked reading your about page, also liked your blog content. good job and well appreciated. regards http://YourWellWisherProgram.wordpress.com


  34. zcoer
    Feb 03, 2015 @ 15:50:00

    Te he nominado para el premio The Very Inspiring Blogger Award!! Pásate por mi blog para saber que hacer si lo aceptas!! ^^

    The Very Inspiring Blogger Award


  35. odmatallana
    Abr 07, 2015 @ 20:26:44

    Parece que tenemos mucho de que hablar. Muchos saludos, un abrazo.


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